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The mystery thriller movie Conclave, directed by Edward Berger, is based on a novel by Robert Harris and brings viewers into a tense world...
“Family Pack” is a fun adventure movie about a family who accidentally time travels while trying to play a card game called Werewolves. The...
‘Twas the Date Before Christmas’ is a beautiful Hallmark holiday movie directed by Bradley Walsh. The story revolves around Jessie (played by Amy Groening)...
The movie Classified, directed by Roel Reine, takes us through the journey of Evan Shaw, an undercover agent who faces a shocking reality. He...
The Lifetime thriller movie A Nurse’s Revenge is directed by David Benullo and tells the story of a nurse who seeks revenge on the...
Netflix’s 3-part documentary This Is the Zodiac Speaking takes us back to one of the most terrifying and unsolved cases in the history of...
Lifetime’s movie “Husband, Father, Killer: The Alyssa Pladl Story” directed by Elisabeth Röhm, tells the disturbing and emotional tale of Alyssa Pladl, who tries...
The Substance also known as Thần Dược is a powerful movie that shows the harsh realities of how society values beauty, especially for women...
The Lifetime movie The Life I Can’t Remember is a mystery thriller directed by Amy Barrett. It tells the story of Emma, a woman...