‘Christmas at Plumhill Manor,’ directed by Brian Herzlinger, is a sweet, romantic drama on Lifetime. The story is about Margot Stone, a modern and...
With The Penguin wrapping up its first season, many questions remain about the characters and their motivations. We saw Oz (Colin Farrell) rise to...
My Dad’s Christmas Date, directed by Mick Davis, tells the heartwarming story of a widowed father, David, and his daughter, Jules, as they try...
Netflix’s series Bank Under Siege (also called Asalto al Banco Central) is a Spanish heist drama based on real-life events, written by Patxi Amezcua....
The Buckingham Murders is an Indian crime thriller centered around a heartbreaking murder mystery involving Detective Jasmeet “Jass” Bhamra. She’s a mother grieving the...
Hallmark’s movie Trivia at St. Nick’s, directed by Marlo Hunter, is a delightful Christmas romance set in a snowy, picturesque university. This heartwarming story...
Apple TV+’s Disclaimer follows Catherine Ravenscroft as she grapples with a dark secret from twenty years ago, which is suddenly exposed by a mysterious...
The finale of the TV series Teacup left fans with many questions and introduced new mysteries, especially for the group of survivors trapped on...
Netflix’s Pedro Páramo, directed by Rodrigo Prieto, is a surreal and confusing adaptation of Juan Rulfo’s 1955 novel. This movie is built on nonlinear...
Lifetime’s thriller movie Who’s Stalking My Family has captured the interest of many viewers, with its suspenseful plot revolving around a mother, Ivy Miller,...
Christine Jeffs’ movie, A Mistake, centers on Elizabeth Taylor, a highly skilled surgeon who struggles with emotional expression and empathy. The film tackles a...
Hallmark’s movie ‘Five Gold Rings’ directed by Steven R. Monroe, tells the story of a lively young woman who goes on a special journey...