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Interior Chinatown is a crime comedy-drama series based on the novel by Charles Yu. It follows the story of Willis Wu (played by Jimmy...
Confessions of a Christmas Letter is a beautiful holiday movie directed by Heather Hawthorn Doyle. The story revolves around a cheerful family and a...
‘Christmas at Plumhill Manor,’ directed by Brian Herzlinger, is a sweet, romantic drama on Lifetime. The story is about Margot Stone, a modern and...
My Dad’s Christmas Date, directed by Mick Davis, tells the heartwarming story of a widowed father, David, and his daughter, Jules, as they try...
Netflix’s series Bank Under Siege (also called Asalto al Banco Central) is a Spanish heist drama based on real-life events, written by Patxi Amezcua....
Hallmark’s movie Trivia at St. Nick’s, directed by Marlo Hunter, is a delightful Christmas romance set in a snowy, picturesque university. This heartwarming story...
Lifetime’s thriller movie Who’s Stalking My Family has captured the interest of many viewers, with its suspenseful plot revolving around a mother, Ivy Miller,...
Hallmark’s movie ‘Five Gold Rings’ directed by Steven R. Monroe, tells the story of a lively young woman who goes on a special journey...
The Christmas Charade is a lovely Hallmark movie directed by Corey Sevier. The story is about a librarian named Whitney, played by Rachel Skarsten....
The Christmas Charade, directed by Corey Sevier, is a wonderful Hallmark movie that takes us on a festive adventure. This movie follows the exciting...
The Apple TV+ thriller series Before is a dark and gripping show created by Sarah Thorp. The story follows Eli Adler, played by Billy...
The mystery thriller movie Conclave, directed by Edward Berger, is based on a novel by Robert Harris and brings viewers into a tense world...