Christine Jeffs’ movie, A Mistake, centers on Elizabeth Taylor, a highly skilled surgeon who struggles with emotional expression and empathy. The film tackles a wide range of themes through Elizabeth’s experiences, but it sometimes misses addressing key issues that would have resonated more deeply with viewers. Instead, it delves into some seemingly unrelated storylines that draw focus away from the main conflict. This story of a proud and self-centered doctor undergoing a personal transformation reaches its climax in the ending, where Elizabeth finds her own form of closure. Here’s a detailed recap and an explanation of how the story unfolds and what changes Elizabeth by the end.
Who is Elizabeth Taylor, and What’s Her Flaw?
Elizabeth Taylor is one of Auckland’s top surgeons. Talented and diligent in her work, she carries out surgeries with precision and care. However, Elizabeth’s flaw lies in her inability to connect with people emotionally. When it comes to talking to patients’ families or loved ones, she can be cold and clinical. Her direct, sometimes blunt way of communicating often comes off as arrogant, especially in sensitive situations.
This inability to empathize becomes problematic in her interactions with Lisa Williams’ parents, after Lisa dies due to complications. Elizabeth’s detached and professional approach feels too formal and insensitive, leaving Lisa’s grieving parents feeling even more hurt. They expected a warm and compassionate response from the doctor who tried to save their daughter’s life, not an explanation filled with medical jargon.

Why Did Elizabeth’s Attitude Lead to Trouble?
Elizabeth’s choice of words and lack of warmth created a rift between her and Lisa’s parents. Even though Lisa didn’t die due to a mistake by Elizabeth’s assistant, Dr. Richard, but rather due to septicemia, Elizabeth’s explanation of the situation was too clinical and devoid of any real empathy. This caused the parents to question her sincerity and file a formal complaint, temporarily halting Elizabeth’s career.
Elizabeth’s pride prevented her from seeking input from the hospital staff, who had been closely monitoring Lisa’s condition after surgery. She approached the grieving parents without being fully prepared or emotionally ready, resulting in a response that felt cold and detached. This interaction marks the beginning of Elizabeth’s downfall, as her professionalism isolates her from the people she’s supposed to comfort.

What Symbolized Elizabeth’s Inner Turmoil?
After Lisa’s death, Elizabeth shows signs of inner turmoil. She calls her girlfriend, Robin, late at night, but receives no response, leaving her to process her feelings alone. When she notices dust on her wall, Elizabeth becomes fixated on cleaning it, even to the point of creating a hole in the wall. This symbolizes her unraveling mental state, as she obsessively tries to control and erase the discomfort inside her. The act of digging into the wall resembles Richard’s mistake during Lisa’s surgery, showing how Elizabeth’s inner conflict is eating away at her.
She eventually spends the night at a hotel to escape her troubled home, only to realize she left her friend’s dog, Atticus, alone in the house, where he dies from the fumes of the fly repellent she used. Atticus’s death is a painful reminder of Elizabeth’s negligence, similar to how she had distanced herself from Lisa emotionally. This incident forces her to confront the consequences of her actions and consider how her self-centeredness affects those around her.

Did Elizabeth Support Richard?
Dr. Richard Whitehead, a young doctor assisting Elizabeth, is haunted by the thought that he was responsible for Lisa’s death. Throughout the film, he seeks some kind of assurance from Elizabeth, hoping for empathy and understanding. But Elizabeth’s emotionally detached nature prevents her from giving him the support he needs. She tells Richard it wasn’t his fault in “plain and simple” terms, without providing the comfort or validation he is looking for.
Richard’s pleas for emotional support go unanswered, as Elizabeth shuts down any meaningful conversation. His desire for someone to listen and understand his guilt and nightmares goes unfulfilled. Tragically, Richard later dies, possibly from suicide, leaving Elizabeth to grapple with the reality that her inability to connect with him may have played a part in his despair.

What Was the Purpose of the Doctor’s Report Card?
Midway through the movie, there’s a discussion about implementing a “doctor’s report card” that would rate doctors based on their success rates, giving patients the ability to make informed choices. Elizabeth argues that this would lead many surgeons to avoid taking high-risk cases, ultimately depriving patients of treatment in tough cases.
This subplot illustrates Elizabeth’s dedication to her patients but also highlights her unwillingness to confront her own flaws. While the report card discussion adds depth to her character, it doesn’t change the main conflict. Elizabeth’s professional pride and self-centered approach continue to overshadow her empathy for patients and colleagues, like Lisa and Richard.

How Did Richard’s Death Affect Elizabeth?
Richard’s tragic death is a pivotal moment in the story. Elizabeth is deeply affected by his passing, and for the first time, she seems to feel the weight of her actions. She realizes she had failed to be there for Richard when he needed her support, just as she failed to be there for Lisa during her recovery. This moment acts as a wake-up call for Elizabeth, and she finally acknowledges her flaws.
When Andrew McGrath, the head of surgery, suggests pinning the blame for Lisa’s death solely on Richard, Elizabeth refuses to let him become the scapegoat. She takes full responsibility, marking a major turning point in her character. This decision hints that she might face consequences from the hospital administration, but it’s a small step toward redemption for her.

What Happens in the Ending of A Mistake?
At the end of A Mistake, Elizabeth visits Lisa’s parents to finally explain what really happened during their daughter’s surgery. She admits that Lisa’s condition was more severe than anticipated and that, despite their best efforts, her death was inevitable. While the parents initially sought someone to blame, Elizabeth’s honesty and sincerity finally offer them some closure.
This heartfelt conversation might have been what Lisa’s parents needed from the beginning. Elizabeth’s journey to this point has been painful and filled with loss, but it serves as a lesson on the importance of compassion in her profession. As the story concludes, Elizabeth realizes that being a skilled surgeon is not enough. She understands that true responsibility involves emotional presence and empathy, especially in her line of work.